跳转到内容 - JIANG Kai-Jun, LI Ke, WANG Jin, ZHAN Ming-Sheng, Optical Guiding of Trapped Atoms by a Blue-detuned Hollow Laser Beamin the Horizontal Direction, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 (2), 324-327, 2005
- WEN Ling-Hua, LIU Min, KONG Ling-Bo, ZHAN Ming-Sheng, Incomplete Erasure of Which-way information encoded in Atomic Hyperfine States, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 (4), 812-815, 2005
- WEN Ling-Hua, LIU Min, KONG Ling-Bo, CHEN Ai-Xi, ZHAN Ming-Sheng,Evolution of spin-dependent atomic wave packets in a harmonic potential,Chin. Phys. 14 (4), 690-696, 2005
- Daxiu Wei, Jun Luo, Xianping Sun, Xizhi Zeng, Mingsheng Zhan, and Maili Liu, Realization of decoherence-free subspace using multiple-quantum coherences, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 020501, 2005
- 江开军,李可,王谨, 詹明生, 利用Doppler展宽的Zeeman光谱实现钛宝石激光器的稳频, 量子电子学报, 22(2), 177-180, 2005
- M.Liu, L.H.Wen, L.She, A.X.Chen, H.W.Xiong, and M.S.Zhan, Splitting and Trapping of Bose-Condensed Gases in Multi-Wells, Modern Phys. Lett. B 19(6), 303-312, 2005
- Hui Jing, Xiong-Jun Liu, Mo-Lin Ge, and Ming-Sheng Zhan, Correlated quantum memory: Manipulating atomic entanglement via electromagnetically induced transparency, Phys. Rev. A 71, 062336, 2005
- Hui-Jun Zhou, Mu-Tian Cheng, Shao-Ding Liu, Qu-Quan Wang, Ming-Sheng Zhan, Qi-KunXue,Complex probability amplitudes of three states in a V-type system with two orthogonal sub-states, Physica E 28, 219, 2005
- Hongwei Xiong, Shujuan Liu, Weiping Zhang, and Mingsheng Zhan, Ultracold Two-Component Fermionic Gases with a Magnetic Field Gradient Near a Feshbach Resonance, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 120401, 2005
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- L.H. Wen, M. Liu, H.W. Xiong, and M.S. Zhan, Interference of Bose-Einstein condensates and entangled single-atom state in a spin-dependent optical lattice,European Physical Journal D,36(1), 89-94, 2005
- L.B.Kong, J.Wang, X.H.Tu, L.H.Wen, M.S. Zhan, Slow dark optical solitons caused by cross talk among optical transitions, Opt. Commun., 255, 331-337, 2005
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- Liu SJ et al, Damping in collapses and revivals of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates , Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 (3): 533-535, 2005