2010 2010

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  1. Yan Hui, Yang Guo-Qing, Shi Tao, Wang Jin, and Zhan Ming-Sheng, Production and guidance of pulsed atomic beams on chip, Chin. Phys. B, 19(2010),023204
  2. DAN Lin, YAN Hui, WANG Jin, ZHAN Ming-Sheng, Chip-Based Square Wave Dynamic Micro Atom Trap, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27(2010), 053201
  3. Xiaodong He, Peng Xu, Jin Wang, and Mingsheng Zhan, High efficient loading of two atoms into a microscopic optical trap by dynamically reshaping the trap with a spatial light modulator, Opt. Express, 18(2010), 13586-13592
  4. Peng Xu, Xiaodong He, Jin Wang, and Mingsheng Zhan, Trapping a single atom in a blue detuned optical bottle beam trap, Opt. Lett. 35(2010), 2164–2166
  5. Guoqing Yang, Xi Chen, Jin Wang , and Mingsheng Zhan,  Bichromatic laser frequency stabilization with Doppler effect and polarization spectroscopy, Chin. Opt. Lett., 8(2010), 1095-1097
  6. Chen Xi, Yang Guo-Qing, Wang Jin, Zhan Ming-Sheng, Coherent population trapping-Ramsey interference in cold atoms, Chin. Phys. Lett., 27(2010), 113201
  7. G. Q. Yang, P. Xu, J. Wang, Yifu Zhu, and M. S. Zhan,Four-wave mixing in a three-level bichromatic electromagnetically induced transparency system, Phys. Rev. A 82(2010), 045804
  8. Lai Xuan-Yang, Cai Qing-Yu, Zhan Ming-Sheng, Bohmian mechanics to high-order harmonic generation, Chin. Phys. B, 19(2010), 020302
  9. L. Deng, E. W. Hagley, Q. Cao, X. R. Wang, X. Y Luo, R Q. Wang, M. G. Payne, F. Yang, X. J. Zhou, X. Z. Chen, M. S. Zhan, Observation of a red-blue detuning asymmetry in matter-wave superradiance, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105(2010) , 220404
  10. L.Wang, H. F. Yang, X. J. Liu, H. P. Liu, M. S. Zhan, J. B. Delos, Photoionization microscopy of the hydrogen atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. A, 82(2010), 022514
  11. Baocheng Zhang, Qing-Yu Cai, Ming-Sheng Zhan, Thermodynamics inducing massive particles' tunneling and cosmic censorship, Eur. Phys. J. C, 68(2010), 561-566
  12. Zhang Han, Luo Jun, Ren Ting-Ting, and Sun Xian-Ping, Testing Evolution Equation for Entanglement of Two-Qubit Systems in Noisy Channels on Ensemble Quantum Computers, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27(2010), 090303
  13. .陈立,熊宗元,王玲,李润兵,王谨,詹明生,一种分布反馈注入放大半导体激光器的研制,量子电子学报,27(2010),15-20
  14. 王文超,汤彪,周林,王谨,詹明生,  原子干涉仪中的超低频隔振系统的设计及仿真,量子电子学报,27(2010),367-372
  15. 季思,谭政,孙献平,罗军,一种基于光子偏振旋转的量子身份认证方案,量子电子学报,27 (2010), 40
  16. 李润兵,王谨,詹明生,新一代惯性导航技术:冷原子陀螺仪,全球定位系统, 35(2010),1-5
  17. Deng, L; Hagley, EW,Collective atomic recoil motion in short-pulse matter-wave superradiance,Phys. Rev. A  82(2010), 053613
  18. Sun, K; Zhao, EH; Liu, WV, Topological Phases of Dipolar Particles in Elongated Wannier Orbitals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104(2010), 165303
  19. Deng, L; Payne, MG; Hagley, EW, Electromagnetic Wave Dynamics in Matter-Wave Superradiant Scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104(2010), 050402