2014 2014

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1.       Shi Yu, *Peng Xu, Min Liu, Xiaodong He, Jin Wang, and *Mingsheng Zhan, Qubit fidelity of a single atom transferred among the sites in a ring optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A, 90, 062335, 2014

2.       Xi Chen, Jiaqi Zhong, Hongwei Song, Lei Zhu, *Jin Wang, and Mingsheng Zhan, Proportional-scanning-phase method to suppress the vibrational noise in nonisotope dual atom interferometer based weak equivalence principle test experiments, Phys. Rev. A 90, 023609, 2014

3.       *R. B. Li, L. Deng, E. W. Hagley, Fast, all-optical logic gates and transistor functionalities using a room-temperature atomic controlled Kerr gate, Phys. Rev. A, 90, 063806, 2014

4.       *B. C. Zou, Z. Tan, M. Musa, Y. F. Zhu, Interaction-free all-optical switching at low light intensities in a multiatom cavity-QED system, Phys. Rev. A, 89, 023806, 2014

5.       Dongshan He, Dongfeng Gao, *Qing-yu Cai, Spontaneous creation of the universe from nothing, Phys. Rev. D 89,083510, 2014

6.       W. C. Peng, L. Zhou, S. T. Long, J. Wang, and *M. S. Zhan, Locking laser frequency of up to 40  GHz offset to a reference with a 10  GHz electro-optic modulator, Opt. Lett., 39, 2998, 2014

7.       Biao Tang, Lin Zhou, Zongyuan Xiong, *Jin Wang, and *Mingsheng Zhan, A programmable broadband low frequency active vibration isolation system for atom interferometry, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 85, 093109, 2014

8.       *R. B. Li, C. J. Zhu, L. Deng, E. W. Hagley, Fast, high-fidelity, all-optical and dynamically-controlled polarization gate using room-temperature atomic vapor,Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 161103, 2014

9.       *B. C. Zhang, Q. Y. Cai, M. S. Zhan, L. You, Correlation, entropy, and information transfer in black hole radiation, Chin. Sci. Bull., 59(11): 1057-1065, 2014

10.    G. Q.Yang, Z. Zheng, B. C. Zou, *Y. F. Zhu, Interference control of nonlinear excitation in a multi-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics system Opt. Lett., 39, 6695, 2014

11.    Guoqing Yang, Zheng Tan, *Y. F. Zhu, Two-channel cross-phase modulation in a multi-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics system, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys., 31, 619, 2014

12.    Zheng Tan, Xianping Sun, Jun Luo, Yong Cheng, Xiuchao Zhao, Xin Zhou, Jin Wang, and *Mingsheng Zhan, Ultranarrow bandwidth tunable atomic filter via quantum interference-induced polarization rotation in Rb vapor, Chin. Opt. Lett., 12, 121404, 2014

13.    *Wei Yang, Lin Zhou, Shitong Long, Wencui Peng, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Time-division-multiplexing laser seeded amplification in a tapered amplifier, Chin. Opt. Lett., 13, 011401, 2015

14.    杨威, 孙大立, 周林, 王谨, *詹明生,用于原子干涉仪实验的锂原子的塞曼减速与磁光囚禁, 物理学报,63, 153701, 2014

15.    王欣然,李一民,涂娟,熊宗元,王谨,*詹明生, 用于冷原子干涉仪的声光调制器数字驱动系统, 量子电子学报,31,  554, 2014