跳转到内容 - Zhou Lin, Xiong Zong-Yuan, Yang Wei, Tang Biao, Peng Wen-Cui, Wang Yi-Bo, Xu Peng,Wang Jin, Zhan Ming-Sheng, Measurement of local gravity via a cold atom interferometer, Chin. Phys. Lett., 28,013701, 2011
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- L. Zhou, Z. Y. Xiong, W. Yang, B. Tang, W. C. Peng, K. Hao, R. B. Li, M. Liu, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Development of an atom gravimeter and status of the 10-meter atom interferometer for precision gravity measurement, Gen. Relat. Gravit., 43(7), 1931-1942, 2011
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