2020 2020

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[1] Gang Wang∗, Dongfeng Gao∗, Wei-Tou Ni∗, Jin Wang and Mingsheng Zhan,Orbit design for space atom-interferometer AIGSO,Intl. J. Mod. Phys. D29(4),1940004 (2020).

[2] Ming-Sheng Zhan*, Jin Wang*, Wei-Tou Ni, Dong-Feng Gao, Gang Wang, Ling-Xiang He, Run-Bing Li, Lin Zhou, Xi Chen, Jia-Qi Zhong, Biao Tang, Zhan-Wei Yao, Lei Zhu, Zong-Yuan Xiong, Si-Bin Lu, Geng-Hua Yu, Qun-Feng Cheng, Min Liu, Yu-Rong Liang, Peng Xu, Xiao-Dong He, Min Ke, Zheng Tan and Jun Luo, ZAIGA: Zhaoshan long-baseline atom interferometer gravitation antenna, Intl. J. Mod. Phys. D29(4), 1940005(2020).

[3] KAGRA Collaboration (T. Akutsu et al.), An arm length stabilization system for KAGRA and future gravitational wave detectors, Class. Quantum Grav. 37, 035004(2020).

[4] Chao Zhou, Chuan He, Si-Tong Yan, Yu-Hang Ji, Lin Zhou*, Jin Wang, Ming-Sheng Zhan,Laser frequency shift up to 5 GHz with a high-efficiency 12-pass 350-MHz acousto-optic modulator.Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 033201(2020).

[5] Ruijun Guo, Xiaodong He,* Cheng Sheng, Jiaheng Yang, Peng Xu, Kunpeng Wang , Jiaqi Zhong, Min Liu, Jin Wang and Mingsheng Zhan,Balanced Coherence Times of atomic qubits of different species in a dual 3 × 3 magic-intensity optical dipole trap array, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124(15), 153201 (2020).

[6] Liyong Wang, Min Liu*, Shi Yu*, Peng Xu, Xiaodong He, Kunpeng Wang, Jin Wang, and Mingsheng Zhan*, Effect of an echo sequence to a trapped single-atom interferometer with photon momentum kicks, Opt. Express28(10), 15038-15049(2020).

[7] Kun-Peng Wang, Jun Zhuang, Xiao-Dong He*, Rui-Jun Guo, Cheng Sheng, Peng Xu, Min Liu, Jin Wang, Ming-Sheng Zhan*,High-Fidelity Manipulation of the Quantized Motion of a Single Atom via Stern–Gerlach Splitting,Chin. Phys. Lett. 37 (4): 044209(2020), online 06 March 2020.

[8] Wei-Tao Duan (段维涛), Chuan He (何川), Si-Tong Yan(闫思彤) , Yu-Hang Ji(冀宇航), Lin Zhou(周林)*, Xi Chen (陈曦), Jin Wang (王谨)*, and Ming-Sheng Zhan (詹明生), Suppression of Coriolis error in weak equivalence principle test using 85Rb-87Rb dual-species atom interferometer, Chin. Phys. B, 29(7): 070305(2020).

[9] Xiaodong He*†, Kunpeng Wang*, Jun Zhuang, Peng Xu, Xiang Gao, Ruijun Guo, Cheng Sheng, Min Liu, Jin Wang, Jiaming Li, G. V. Shlyapnikov, Mingsheng Zhan†.  Coherently forming a single molecule in an optical trap. Science 370,331-335 (2020).

[10]KAGRA Collaboration, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and Virgo Collaboration (B. P. Abbott et al.), Prospects for Observing and Localizing Gravitational-Wave Transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA, Living Reviews in Relativity, 23, 3 (2020).

[11]KAGRA Collaboration (T. Akutsu et al.), Application of the independent component analysis to the iKAGRA data, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2020(5): 053F01(2020).

[12]Jin Wang, New SI and precision measurements: an interview with Tianchu Li, Natl. Sci. Rev. 7(12): 1837-1840(2020).

[13]  Mingsheng Zhan∗,†and Xincheng Xie†,‡, Guest Editorial, Special Topic: Precision Measurement Physics, Precision measurement physics: physics that precision matters, Natl. Sci. Rev. 7(12): 1795(2020). (∗Corresponding author. †Guest Editor of Special Topic ‡Editorial Board Member of NSR).

[14] Yong Zeng, Zhuo Fu, Yang-Yang Liu, Xiao-Dong He, Min Liu, Peng Xu*, Xiao-Hong Sun, and Jin Wang, Stabilizing a laser frequency by the Pound–Drever–Hall technique with an acousto-optic modulator. Appl. Opt.60(5), 1159-1163 (2021).

[15]   Jian-Gong Hu, Xi Chen, Li-Yong Wang, Qing-Hong Liao, Qing-Nian Wang, Systematic error suppression scheme of the weak equivalence principle test by dual atom interferometers in space based on spectral correlation, Chinese Physics B 29(11): 110305(2020)

[16]   Yuan Sun, Peng Xu, Ping-Xing Chen, Liang Liu, Controlled Phase gate protocol for neutral atoms via off-resonant modulated driving, Phys. Rev. Appl. 13(2): 024059(2020)

[17]   E. O. Kiktenko, A. S. Nikolaeva, Peng Xu, G. V. Shlyapnikov, A. K. Fedorov, Scalable quantum computing with qudits on a graph, Physi. Rev. A  101(2): 022304(2020)

[18] Lin Zhou, Chuan He, Si-Tong Yan, Xi Chen, Wei-Tao Duan, Run-Dong Xu, Chao Zhou, Yu-Hang Ji, Sachin Bathwal, Qi Wang, Zhuo Hou, Zong-Yuan Xiong, Dong-Feng Gao, Yuan-Zhong Zhang, Wei-Tou Ni, Jin Wang*, and Ming-Sheng Zhan*, United test of the equivalence principle at 10-10 level using mass and internal energy specified atoms, arXiv:1904.07096 [quant-ph].

[19] Lin Zhou, Chuan He, Si-Tong Yan, Xi Chen, Dongfeng Gao, Weitao Duan, Yuhang Ji, Rundong Xu, Biao Tang, Chao Zhou, Sachin Barthwal, Qi Wang, Zhuo Hou, Zongyuan Xiong, Yuanzhong Zhang, Min Liu, Wei-Tou Ni, Jin Wang*, Mingsheng Zhan*, A mass-energy united test of the equivalence principle,Research Square, DOI:10.21203/RS.3.RS-63775/V1(2020).

[20] KAGRA Collaboration (R. Abbott, et al.), Diving below the spin-down limit: Constraints on gravitational waves from the energetic young pulsar PSR J0537-6910, arXiv:2012.12926 [astro-ph.HE].

[21] KAGRA Collaboration (T. Akutsu et al.), Overview of KAGRA : KAGRA science, arXiv:2008.02921 [gr-qc]

[22]  El-Neaj, YA; Alpigiani, C; Amairi-Pyka, S; et al.,  AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space, EPJ Quantum Technology, 7(1), 6(2020).