Conference presentation Conference presentation

  1. 王谨,詹明生,Rb原子的激光冷却与囚禁,"激光冷却:玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚和原子激射器" 研讨会,大会报告,1999年12月24-28日,北京,中国高等科学技术中心; CCAST—WL WORKSHOP,116,153~155,2000
  2. 涂鲜花,王谨,何明,汪毅,江开军,詹明生,85Rb D2线电磁诱导透明实验研究,中国物理学会2001秋季学术会议,分组报告(论文集,P41),2001年9月20-23日,上海
  3. 詹明生,罗军,王谨,量子计算的实验进展,湖北省/武汉物理学会成立70周年庆典暨2002年学术年会,大会报告,2002年10月19日-21日,武汉
  4. 王谨,涂鲜花,詹明生,冷Rb原子电磁诱导透明的实验研究,中国物理学会2002秋季学术会议暨中国物理学会成立70周年庆祝会,分组报告,2002年8月29日-31日,北京
  5. 王谨,江开军,李可,涂鲜花,何明,詹明生,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚实验研究的进展,湖北省/武汉物理学会成立70周年庆典暨2002年学术年会,分组报告(论文集p90~93), 2002年10月19日-21日,武汉
  6. 江开军,王谨,李可,何明,涂鲜花,谌维浩,詹明生,几种半导体激光器稳频方案的比较,湖北省/武汉物理学会成立70周年庆典暨2002年学术年会,分组报告(论文集p83~84),2002年10月19日-21日,武汉
  7. 涂鲜花,王谨,江开军,李可,何明,谌维浩,詹明生,Rb原子电磁诱导透明现象随温度变化的实验研究,湖北省/武汉物理学会成立70周年庆典暨2002年学术年会,分组报告(论文集p87~89),2002年10月19日-21日,武汉
  8. 谌维浩,何明,王谨,涂鲜花,江开军,汪毅,王取泉,詹明生,A Simple Optical Guiding Model of Cold Atoms,湖北省/武汉物理学会成立70周年庆典暨2002年学术年会,分组报告(论文集p80~82),2002年10月19日-21日,武汉  
  9. 何  明,王谨,詹明生,利用载流导线导引85Rb冷原子的实验研究,中国物理学会2003年秋季会议,分组报告(论文集p73),2003年9月17~20日,合肥
  10. 江开军,李可,王谨,詹明生,Rb原子的Bose-Einstein凝聚实验进展,中国物理学会2003年秋季会议,分组报告(论文集p74),2003年9月17~20日,合肥
  11. 李可,江开军,王谨,詹明生,冷原子物理实验中的时序控制与数据采集解决方案,中国物理学会2003年秋季会议,分组报告(论文集p76),2003年9月17~20日,合肥
  12. 詹明生,王谨,朱一夫,冷Rb原子Λ型双色电磁诱导透明实验,中国物理学会2003年秋季会议,邀请报告(论文集p376),2003年9月17—20日,合肥
  13. 王谨,武汉物理与数学所玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚实验进展,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚专题研讨会,大会报告,2003年月12月1日—3日,北京
  14. Jin Wang, Multi-window electromagnetically induced transparency of cold rubidium atoms, The 1st International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Invited talk, July 5~7, 2004, Lushan, Jiangxi, China.
  15. J. Wang , M. S. Zhan,Electromagnetically induced transparency in multi-level cascade scheme of cold rubidium atoms, XIX International Conference on Atomic Physics,Poster II.I3, July 25 to 30, 2004, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.   
  16. Jin Wang, Experimental investigation of electromagnetically induced transparency in D2 line of hot and cold 85Rb atoms, 第十二届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,分组报告,2004年月8月5日—7日,都江堰
  17. 王谨,武汉物理与数学所冷原子物理实验研究进展,中国科学院冷原子物理中心(CCAP)_频标与量子信息研讨会,大会报告,2004年12月1-2日,江苏阳澄湖
  18. 王谨,詹明生,新一代时间基准:相干布局数囚禁原子钟,湖北省/武汉市物理学会2004年学术年会,分组报告(论文集P33-34),2004年12月11-12日,江汉大学
  19. 江开军,吕宝龙,李可,王平,王晓锐,王谨,詹明生,用于玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚实验的四极-约夫磁阱,湖北省/武汉市物理学会2004年学术年会,分组报告(论文集P 27-28),2004年12月11-12日,江汉大学
  20. 李润兵,王平,王谨,詹明生,用P-H-D方法对半导体激光器稳频,湖北省/武汉市物理学会2004年学术年会,分组报告(论文集P 29-30),2004年12月11-12日,江汉大学
  21. 涂鲜花,孔令波,王谨,詹明生,冷85R原子D2线电磁诱导透明的实验研究,湖北省/武汉市物理学会2004年学术年会,分组报告(论文集P 31-32),2004年12月11-12日,江汉大学
  22. Lingbo Kong, Xianhua Tu, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Doppler-reduced resonance in hot four-level atoms, 中国物理学会2005年秋季学术会议,分组报告2005年9月18-20日,武汉
  23. 王谨,詹明生,基于相干布居数囚禁的冷原子钟,2005年全国时间频率学术交流会,大会报告,(论文集p106-110),2005年11月1-3日,西安
  24. J. Wang, P. Wang, R.B. Li, H. Yan, and M.S. Zhan, Towards Cold-Matter-Wave Sagnac Interferometer:Realization of a Cold Atom Interferometer, 20th International Conference on Atomic Physics, Poster A162, July 16-21, 2006, Innsbruck, Austria.
  25. Jin Wang, Towards Bichromatic Photon Switching: Improvement of Bichromatic EIT Signal in Cold Rubidium Atoms,Invited talk, The 2nd International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, July 25~27, 2006, Qiandaohu, Hangzhou, China.
  26. 仲嘉琪,余庚华,王谨,詹明生,Ba原子6s5d 3D2、5d6p3F2能级超精细结构与跃迁同位素位移的实验测量,中国物理学会2006年秋季会议,分组报告,2006年9月15~17日,北京
  27. 颜辉,C.Garcia-Segundo,王谨,詹明生,用PLASMON在芯片表面囚禁原子,中国物理学会2006年秋季会议,分组报告,2006年9月15~17日,北京
  28. Lingbo Kong, Xianhua Tu, Peng XU, Jin WANG, and Mingsheng ZHAN, Four-wave Mixing in Cold Rb Atoms with a Bichromatic Field, The 1st International Conference on Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms, Poster, June 2~4, 2007, Beijing, China
  29. Runbing LI, Jin WANG, and Mingsheng ZHAN, Dependence of Stimulated Raman process on The External Magnetic Field in an Atom Interferometer, The 1st International Conference on Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms, Poster,June 2~4, 2007, Beijing, China
  30. Ping WANG, Lin ZHOU, Jin WANG, and Mingsheng ZHAN, Single-zone Type Cold Atom Interferometry, The 1st International Conference on Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms, Poster, June 2~4, 2007, Beijing, China
  31. Hui YAN, Guoqing YANG, Jin WANG, and Mingsheng ZHAN, Towards Chip-size Atom Interferometer: Trap Atoms near a Surface, The 1st International Conference on Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms, Poster, June 2-4, 2007, Beijing, China
  32. L. B. Kong, X. H. Tu, P. Xu, J. Wang, Y. F. Zhu, and M. S. Zhan,Four-wave mixing in three-level cold atoms by bichromatic field,The 18th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy,Poster 52, June24-29, 2007, Telluride, USA
  33. P. Wang, R. B. Li, J. Wang, H. W. Xiong, and M. S. Zhan, Manifestation of continuous quantum Zeno effect based on cold atom interferometry, The 18th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy,Poster 106, June24-29, 2007, Telluride, USA
  34. 李润兵,王谨,詹明生,Measurement of quadratic Zeeman shift using stimulated Raman transition in a cold atom interferometer, 第十四届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,分组报告,2007年8月11-18日,沈阳
  35. 王平,周林,王谨,詹明生,Internal and external state preparation in cold atom interferometer, 第十四届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,分组报告,2007年8月11-18日,沈阳
  36. 许鹏,孔令波,涂鲜花,王谨,詹明生,三能级冷原子介质中的非共振四波混频实验研究, 第十四届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,分组报告,2007年8月11-18日,沈阳
  37. 王谨,利用原子芯片囚禁85Rb原子,中国物理学会2007年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理专题邀请报告,2007年9月18-20日,南京大学
  38. 陈曦,徐炳明,王谨,詹明生,相干布居数囚禁冷原子钟研究进展, 2007年全国时间频率学术会议,分会报告,(论文集p199-202),2007年10月18-20日,宜昌
  39. 王谨, 高精度原子干涉仪在物理常数精密测量中的应用, 2007年精密谱研讨会,邀请报告, 2007年10月21日,宜昌
  40. Bingming Xu, Xi Chen, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Progresses of Coherent Population Trapping Cold Atom Clock, The 3rd International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster P35, July 10-12, 2008, Wuhan, China.
  41. Runbing Li, Lin Zhou, Li Chen, Lichun Ren, Zongyuan Xiong, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Experimental Studies of Stimulated Raman Transitions in Cold Atom Interferometer,The 3rd International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster P37, July 10-12, 2008, Wuhan, China
  42. Hui Yan, Guoqing Yang, Tao Shi, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Experimental Demonstration of Controllable Double Magneto-optical Traps on a Chip, The 3rd International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster P38, July 10-12, 2008, Wuhan, China
  43. H. Yan, G. Q. Yang, T. Shi, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Double U-type Magneto-optical Trap on an Atom Chip, The 21st International Conference on Atomic Physics, Poster TU98, July 27-August 1, 2008, Storrs, Connecticut, USA.
  44. R. B. Li, L. Zhou, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Measurement of the Quadratic Zeeman Shift of 85Rb Hyperfine Sublevels in a Cold Atom Interferometer, The 21st International Conference on Atomic Physics, Poster TU36, July 27-August 1, 2008, Storrs, Connecticut, USA
  45. 王谨,原子芯片上冷原子的导引与双磁光阱的操纵,中国物理学会2008年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理专题,2008年9月19-21日,山东大学,济南
  46. 李润兵,王谨,詹明生,冷原子干涉仪中受激拉曼过程的实验研究,中国物理学会2008年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理专题,2008年9月19-21日,山东大学,济南
  47. Jin Wang, Atom guide on a chip, International Symposium for Young Researchers: Quantum Manipulation of Photons and Atoms, Invited talk, October 14-18th, 2008, Beijing, China
  48. Jin Wang, Manipulation atoms on a chip, Sino-French Optoelectronics Symposium, Invited talk, October 31st-November 1st, 2008, Wuhan, China
  49. X. D. He,  P. Xu, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Rotating Single Atom in Optical Ring Lattice, The 19th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, PosterIV-4, June7-13, 2009, Kussharo, Hokkaido, Japan
  50. 颜辉,杨国卿,石涛,王谨,詹明生, 芯片上冷原子的操控, 第十五届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,张贴报告,2009年7月11-17日,贵阳
  51. X. Chen, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Progress of coherent population trapping clock based on cold atoms, The 4th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster 29, July 5-7, 2010, Zhoushan, China
  52. L. Zhou, P. Xu, Z.Y. Xiong, W. Yang, B. Tang, W.C. Peng, Y. B. Wang, K. Hao, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Measurement of gravitational acceleration using atom interferometer, The 4th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster P27, July 5-7, 2010, Zhoushan, China
  53. Z. W. Yao, L. Wang, Y.M. Li, Z. Y. Xiong, R.B. Li, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Atom gyroscope based on dual-loop interferometer, The 4th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster P26, July 5-7, 2010, Zhoushan, China
  54. P. Xu, X.D. He, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Trapping a single atom in a optical bottle beam trap, The 4th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster P28, July 5-7, 2010, Zhoushan, China
  55. X.D. He, P. Xu, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, High efficient loading of two atoms into a microscopic optical trap by dynamically reshaping the trap with a spatial light modulator, The 4th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster P23, July 5-7, 2010, Zhoushan, China
  56. L. Zhou, P. Xu, Z.Y. Xiong, W. Yang, B. Tang, W.C. Peng, Y.B. Wang, J. Wang, M.S. Zhan, Measurement of local gravity via a cold atom interferometer, Poster Th6, The 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 25-31, 2010, Cairns, Australia
  57. P. Xu, X.D. He, J. Wang, M.S. Zhan, Trapping a single neutral atom in a blue detuned optical bottle beam trap, Poster Th70, The 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 25-31, 2010, Cairns, Australia
  58. X.D. He, P. Xu, J. Wang, M.S. Zhan, High efficient loading of two atoms into a microscopic optical trap by using a spatial light modulator, Poster Th123, The 22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 25-31, 2010, Cairns, Australia
  59. 王谨,冷原子中的相干布居囚禁拉姆齐干涉,中国物理学会2010年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理分会邀请报告,2010年9月17-20日,南开大学,天津
  60. Jin Wang, Measurement of Local Gravity and the Progress of 10 m Atom Interferometer, 2010 International Workshop on Gravitational Waves Detection with Atom Interferometry,  Oct. 21-22, 2010, Hangzhou, China
  61. Jin Wang, Research Activity Report of WIPM, The 2nd International Committee Meeting & Symposium of the Asian Laser Center, 4 – 5 November, 2010, Gwangju, Korea
  62. L. Zhou, Z. Y. Xiong, W. Yang, B. Tang, W. C. Peng, K. Hao, R. B. Li, M. Liu, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Development of the 10-Meter Atom Interferometer, Poster Tu49, 20th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, May 30 – June 3, 2011, Aerzen, Germany
  63. X. D. He, P. Xu, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Combining Red- and Blue-detuned Optical Potentials to Form a Lamb-Dicke Trap for a Single Neutral Atom, Poster Tu48, 20th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, May 30 – June 3, 2011, Aerzen, Germany
  64. 王谨,原子干涉仪与重力精密测量, 第十六届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,大会报告,2011年8月12-15日,江西吉安
  65. 何晓东, 许鹏, 尉石, 王谨, 詹明生,异核单原子阵列实验研究,第十六届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,张贴报告,2011年8月12-15日,江西吉安
  66. 周林, 杨威, 汤彪, 彭文萃, 郝恺, 王谨, 詹明生,原子干涉仪与重力精密测量,第十六届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,张贴报告,2011年8月12-15日,江西吉安
  67. 周林, 彭文翠, 汤彪, 郝恺, 杨威, 王谨, 詹明生,十米原子干涉仪的实验进展,第十六届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,张贴报告,2011年8月12-15日,江西吉安
  68. 杨威, 孙大立, 周林, 王谨, 詹明生,锂原子激光冷却实验进展,第十六届全国原子与分子物理学术会议,张贴报告,2011年8月12-15日,江西吉安
  69. Zhan Mingsheng, Wang Jin, Towards a high precision test of the Equivalence Principle with a 10 m fountain atomic interferometer, The Third Galileo-Xu Guangqi Meeting, October 11-15, 2011, Beijing, China
  70. Zhan Mingsheng, Manipulation of Single Atoms, International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, October 16-22, 2011, Shanghai, China
  71. L. Zhou, B. Tang,  W. C. Peng,  K. Hao, W. Yang, Z. Y. Xiong, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Development of the 10-meter Atom Interferometer, Poster, International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, October 16-22, 2011, Shanghai
  72. Wencui Peng, Lin Zhou, Biao Tang, Zongyuan Xiong, Wei Yang, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Measurement of Local Gravity via a Cold Atom Interferometer, Poster, International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, October 16-22, 2011, Shanghai
  73. W. Yang, B. Tang, D. L. Sun, W. C. Peng, K. Hao, L. Zhou, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Experimental progress of 10-meter lithium atom interferometer, Poster, International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, October 16-22, 2011, Shanghai
  74. Xiaodong He, Peng Xu, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Fast rotating a single atom in a interferometrically generated ring lattice, Poster, International Workshop on Quantum Manipulation of Atoms and Photons, October 16-22, 2011, Shanghai
  75. Mingsheng ZHAN,A 10m fountain type atom interferometer for WEP test, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Invited Talk, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  76. Dongfeng GAO, Peng JU, Baocheng ZHANG and Mingsheng ZHAN,Gravitational-wave detection with matter-wave interferometers, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  77. Jun LUO, Xiumei LIU, Jin WANG, and Mingsheng ZHAN,Tests of exact state-selective spectroscopy via quantum control on ensemble quantum computers, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  78. Lin ZHOU, Biao TANG, Wencui PENG, Kai HAO, Shitong LONG, Wei YANG, Jin WANG, and Mingsheng ZHAN,Progress of the 10-meter atom interferomter, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  79. Wei YANG, Biao TANG, Dali SUN, Wencui PENG, Lin ZHOU, Jin WANG, and Mingsheng ZHAN,Towards building a cold atom interferometer with lithium atoms, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  80. Wencui PENG, Lin ZHOU, Jin WANG, and Mingsheng ZHAN,Magnetic field effect in an atom interferometer, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  81. Biao TANG, Lin ZHOU, Jin WANG, Mingsheng ZHAN,Active vibration isolation for atom interferometers, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  82.  Xi CHEN, Jiaqi ZHONG, Zongyuan XIONG, Jin WANG and Mingsheng ZHAN,Phase noise analysis of atomic gradiometer, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  83. Zhanwei YAO, Kai WANG, Runbing LI, Jin WANG, Mingsheng ZHAN,Rotation measurement with an atom interferometer, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  84. Xiaodong HE, Shi YU, Peng XU, Jin WANG and Mingsheng ZHAN,Realization of a 85Rb-87Rb hetero-nuclear single atom array, The 5th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics, Poster, June 23-27, 2012, The Three Gorges, China
  85. Lin Zhou, Biao Tang, Wencui Peng, Wei Yang, Jin Wang, and Mingsheng Zhan, Experimental demonstration of a 12-meter atomic fountain, Poster Th-001, The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics, 23-27 July, 2012, Ecole Polytechnique, France
  86. Xiaodong He, Shi Yu, Peng Xu, Jin Wang and Mingsheng Zhan, Realization of a 85Rb-87Rb hetero-nuclear single atom array. Poster Tu-178, The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics, 23-27 July, 2012, Ecole Polytechnique, France
  87. Xi Chen, Fen Gao, Jin Wang and Mingsheng Zhan, Phase noise of an atom interferometer for equivalence principle test in space, Poster Mo-021, The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics, 23-27 July, 2012, Ecole Polytechnique, France
  88. 巨鹏,詹明生,引力波hx极化态对粒子轨迹的影响,中国物理学会2012年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理分会,口头报告,2012年9月20-23日,中山大学,广州
  89. 何晓东,尉石,许鹏,王谨,詹明生,环形光晶格中异核单原子阵列的实现,中国物理学会2012年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理分会,口头报告,2012年9月20-23日,中山大学,广州
  90. 汤彪, 周林,彭文翠,杨威,龙世同,王谨,詹明生,十米原子喷泉的实验实现,中国物理学会2012年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理分会,口头报告,2012年9月20-23日,中山大学,广州
  91. 彭文翠,周林,汤彪,龙世同,王谨,詹明生,85Rb和87Rb原子的同步冷却与囚禁,中国物理学会2012年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理分会,口头报告,2012年9月20-23日,中山大学,广州
  92. Shi Yu, Peng Xu, Xiaodong He, Jin Wang, and Mingsheng Zhan,Strongly suppressing phase decoherence of a qubit in a single atom with CPMG sequence, Poster-S83, The 21st International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 9-14, 2013, Berkeley, California USA
  93. Lin Zhou, Biao Tang, Wencui Peng, Wei Yang, Dali Sun, Shitong Long, Jin Wang, and Mingsheng Zhan, Progress in building the 10 m atom interferometer, Poster-M52, The 21st International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 9-14, 2013, Berkeley, California USA
  94. Jin Wang, Wencui Peng, Lin Zhou, Shitong Long, Mingsheng Zhan, Locking Raman laser frequency of up to 40 GHz offset for atom interferometers, Poster Tue-147. The 24th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 3-8 August, 2014, Washington D. C., USA

  95. Shi Yu, Peng Xu, Min Liu, Jin Wang, and Mingsheng Zhan, Qubit fidelity of a single atom transferred among the sites in a ring lattice, Poster Tue-079. The 24th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 3-8 August, 2014, Washington D. C., USA

  96. Biao Tang, Lin Zhou, Zongyuan Xiong, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, A programmable broadband low frequency active vibration isolation system for atom interferometry, Poster Thu-120. The 24th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 3-8 August, 2014, Washington D. C., USA

  97. Xi Chen, Jiaqi Zhong, Hongwei Song, Lei Zhu, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Vibration noise suppression in weak equivalence principle test based on a non-isotope dual-atom interferometer, Poster Mon-16, The 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 28-July 3, 2015, Singapore

  98. Lin Zhou, Shitong Long, Biao Tang, Xi Chen, Fen Gao, Wencui Peng, Weitao Duan, Jiaqi Zhong, Zongyuan Xiong, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Test of Equivalence principle at 10-8 level by a dual-species double-diffraction Raman atom interferometer, Poster Tue-16, The 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 28-July 3, 2015, Singapore

  99. Peng Xu, Jiaheng Yang, Min Liu, Xiaodong He, Yong Zeng, Kunpeng Wang, Jin Wang, D.J. Papoular, G.V. Shlyapnikov, Mingsheng Zhan, Interaction induced decay of a heteronuclear two-atom system, Poster Tue-34, The 22nd International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, June 28-July 3, 2015, Singapore

  100. 王谨,原子干涉仪与精密测量,中国物理学会2015年秋季学术会议,原子分子物理分会,邀请报告,2015年9月10-14日,吉林大学

  101. 王谨,原子干涉仪与惯性导航,"2015泛在测绘与位置大数据应用"国际工程论坛,邀请报告,2015年11月6-8日,武汉

  102. 王谨,冷原子陀螺仪技术的现状与发展趋势,新型导航技术及其应用研讨会,邀请报告,2015年11月24-26日,苏州

  103. J. Zhong, H. Song, Zhu Lei, J. Wang, And M. Zhan, Development of atom interferometer-based gravity gradiometers, he 7th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics (ISCAP-VII), 19-21 June, 2016, Hangzhou, China.

  104. Min Ke, F. Zhou, X. Li, J. Wang, And M. Zhan,Tailored-waveguide based photonic chip for manipulating an array of single neutral atoms, he 7th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics (ISCAP-VII), 19-21 June, 2016, Hangzhou, China.

  105. K. Wang, X. He, Peng Xu, R. Guo, C. Sheng, M. Liu, J. Wang, And M. Zhan, Microwave sideband spectrum of single atoms in strongly confined optical tweezers, he 7th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics (ISCAP-VII), 19-21 June, 2016, Hangzhou, China.

  106. S. Long, W. Duan, C. He, W. Zhang, B. Tang, L. Zhou, J. Wang, And M. Zhan, progress of the weak equivalence principle test by a dual-species atom interferometer, he 7th International Symposium on Cold Atom Physics (ISCAP-VII), 19-21 June, 2016, Hangzhou, China.

  107. S. T. Long, W. T. Duan, C. He, W. D. Zhang, B. Tang, L. Zhou, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Compensation of Coriolis effect in differential measurement of gravity by a dual-species atom interferometer, Poster Tue-01. The 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 24-29 July, 2016, Seoul, Korea

  108. Y. Zeng, K. P. Wang, Y. Y. Liu, X. D. He, M. Liu, P. Xu, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan, Coherent Rydberg excitation of a single atom by lasers stabilized on a tunable high finesse transfer cavity, Poster Mon-083. The 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 24-29 July, 2016, Seoul, Korea

  109. K. P. Wang, X. D. He, P. Xu, R. J. Guo, C. Sheng, M. Liu, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan,Microwave sideband spectrum of single atoms in a strongly confined optical dipole trap, Poster Mon-084. The 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 24-29 July, 2016, Seoul, Korea

  110. L. Zhu, Y. P. Wang, J. Q. Zhong, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan,A proposal on improving the accuracy of gravity gradient measurement by modulating magnetic field, Poster Tue-012. The 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 24-29 July, 2016, Seoul, Korea

  111. X. Li, M. Ke, J. Wang, M. S. Zhan,Waveguide based photonic chip for manipulating single atom array, Poster Thu-098. The 25th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 24-29 July, 2016, Seoul, Korea

  112. L. Zhou, S. T. Long, B. Tang, W. T. Duan, C. He, W. D. Zhang, J. Wang, and M. S. Zhan,Progress of atom interferometer based weak equivalence principle test,Poster 45. The Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics conference (FOMO2016), 10-17 September, 2016, Arcachon, France.

  113. Xi Chen, Jiangong Hu, Jie Fang, Jiaqi Zhong, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Some key problems in atom interferometer based WEP test, Poster 8. The Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics conference (FOMO2016), 10-17 September, 2016, Arcachon, France.

  114. Jiaqi Zhong, Hongwei Song, Yuping Wang, Lei Zhu, Dawei Li, Xi Chen, Zongyuan Xiong, Jin Wang, Mingsheng Zhan, Development of atom interferometer-based gravity gradiometers, Poster 44. The Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics conference (FOMO2016), 10-17 September, 2016, Arcachon, France.

  115. Run-Bing Li, Zhan-Wei Yao, Si-Bing Lu, Lei Cao, Jin Wang, Ming-Sheng Zhan, Rabi oscillation induced p-phase flip in an unbalanced Ramsey atom interferometer, Poster 28. The Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics conference (FOMO2016), 10-17 September, 2016, Arcachon, France.

  116. Jin Wang, Atom interferometry and weak equivalence principle test, The 9th International Workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms, January 9-10, 2017, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Japan. 

  117. 王谨,原子干涉仪与精密测量,第十三届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议暨2017 中国光学十大进展发布会(LTO2018),量子光学专题分会邀请报告,2018 年3 月11 日-14 日,上海
  118. C. He, W. T. Duan, J. G. Hu, B. Tang, L. Zhou, X. Chen, J. Wang and M. S. Zhan, Realization of a 12 m atom fountain and suppression of wave-front-aberration phase noise in atom interferometers, Poster, The 26th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 22-27 July, 2018, Barcelona, Spain
  119. Jin Wang, Atom interferometry and precision measurement, Invited Talk, The 8th International Symposium on Modern Problems of Laser Physics, 25 August – 01 September, 2018, Novosibirsk, Russia.
  120. Jin Wang, ZAIGA: Zhaoshan long-baseline Atom Interferometer Gravitation Antenna, Invited talk, The Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics conference (FOMO2018), 16-22 September, 2018, Crete, Greece.
  121. L. Zhou, C. He, S. T. Yan, X. Chen, W. T. duan, R. D. Xu, C. Zhou, Y. H. Ji, S. Barthwal, Q. Wang, Z. Hou, Z. Y. Xiong, D. F. Gao, Y. Z. Zhang, W. -T. Ni, J. Wang, and M. S. Zhan, United test of the equivalence principle at 10-10 level using mass and internal energy specified atoms, Poster 53, The 24th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, July 8–12, 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand.
  122. 王谨,原子干涉仪与精密测量技术,邀请报告,中国仪器仪表学会量子传感与精密测量仪器分会成立大会,2019 年08 月23 日,太原。
  123. Lin Zhou, Lin Zhou, Chuan He, Si-Tong Yan, Xi ChenDong-Feng Gao, Wei-Tao Duan, Yu-Hang Ji, Run-Dong Xu, Biao Tang, Chao Zhou, Sachin Barthwal,Qi Wang, Zhuo Hou, Zong-Yuan Xiong, Yuan-Zhong Zhang, Min Liu, Wei-Tou Ni, Jin Wang, and Ming-Sheng Zhan,A new mass-energy test of the equivalence principle using ^[85]Rb-^[87]Rb atom interferometer, Poster 01 , The 27th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 17– 22, 2022, Toronto, Canada

  124. Poster 02, The 27th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 17– 22, 2022, Toronto, Canada